Club United CEO Statement - Diversity and Inclusion

- These values define how we behave as individuals and together as a sports and recreational club. They guide all of our decisions and the way in which we interact with each other, and those in the community around us.

- As an organisation, Club United's vision is to ignite passion, build character, and create an inclusive club community. Our vision can only be achieved if our club is one where every individual participant, whether a guest, sports participant, volunteer, supporter, or administrator feels safe, welcome, and included.

- Club United recognises that both intentional and unintentional discrimination and harassment against those who have historically suffered from such behavior exists within societies throughout the world and that this can have adverse and potentially significant consequences for some individuals.

- Sometimes these consequences mean that individuals who are Club United guests might feel excluded and as a result cease their involvement in Club activities. In some cases, such individuals may even be subjected to abusive language or actions and are needlessly and wrongfully subjected to discrimination, thus reducing their enjoyment of Club affiliation. These outcomes are unacceptable and unwelcome in our Club community.

- Club United's policy on inclusion is simple: our club must be an organization where everyone in the Club community has the right and freedom to participate regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race or religion and without fear of exclusion. There is no place for any form of discrimination or harassment in our club and our actions and words must reflect this.

- The objective of this Policy is to make Club policy clear on our commitment to inclusion. By doing so, we are signaling our commitment, as a leading sports and recreational club and member of the Metro Manila community, to make a stand to eradicate wrongful discrimination in all forms.

- Irrespective of the various group identified here who are impacted by discrimination and harassment, the overarching principle and intention of the Policy is to make a positive statement on the importance of inclusion for all, and the importance of eliminating all forms of discrimination and harassment in our Club community.

- The Policy aims to do this through the implementation of four Statements of Mission, each of which makes a unique and important contribution toward the overall objective of eradicating discrimination, harassment and bullying on the basis of race, sex, sexuality, and all other recognized bases of improper discrimination and harassment. Club United sees the implementation of each Statement of Mission as integral to ensuring that the Policy achieves the overriding objective.